In today’s fast-paced world, many people are facing increased stress in their daily lives, which can have an impact on their sex lives, sometimes leading to a lack of interest in sex. But what are the harmful effects of not having sex?

      Many people believe that not having sex for a long time can result in a dry, lifeless body, like a piece of dry wood slowly burning away. However, the truth is that a lack of sexual stimulation and lubrication over a long period of time can actually lead to a dull, unresponsive body. This is especially evident in women who have gone for extended periods without sexual activity, as they may become dry, unemotional, and uninterested in sex.

      Not having sex for an extended period can also mask the internal cracks and fissures in a relationship between spouses. The longer that a couple goes without sex, the harder it can be to bridge these gaps. While sexual activity can help to bring couples closer together during holidays or special occasions, it is often not enough to make up for long periods without intimacy.

      In fact, long-term lack of sexual activity can lead to a kind of mutual respect but also a sort of “fake marriage,” as described by Japanese writer Junichi Watanabe. This kind of relationship is characterized by elegance, restraint, politeness, and mutual respect, but it often has little to do with physical intimacy.

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