For some men, living with their wives is becoming increasingly more common if they want to get pregnant. In fact, there is no scientific study that points to a woman’s likelihood of getting pregnant. Usually, the chances of getting pregnant are highest during ovulation, otherwise it is not easy to get pregnant at other times. Of course, the probability of getting pregnant is also closely related to sexual positions, so is it easier for women to get pregnant in higher or lower positions?

      It is possible to get pregnant in different positions. However, it is recommended that both parties abstain from sexual desire for 3 to 5 days in the same room after ovulation testing. The positions for both men and women are the same, and there is no need to withdraw the male reproductive organ quickly after each sexual intercourse. The pillow under the woman’s buttocks can also increase the chances of getting pregnant, and both parties’ health usually affects pregnancy.

      Common problems in the bedroom:

      1. Before sexual intercourse, both parties should clean their private parts and maintain hygiene to prevent bacteria from invading the pregnant woman’s body.

      2. Pay attention to sexual positions, avoid abdominal exertion, and positions to be avoided are the kneeling, riding, and doggy style positions.

      3. The intensity of sexual life should be moderate, the position should be relaxed, and excessive stimulation should be avoided. The time of sexual life should be relatively shorter.

      4. Take care of the wife, value the wife, and abstain from sexual intercourse.

      5. Use condom. Semen contains abundant prostaglandin which can tightly connect the residual uterus and bilateral fallopian tubes. It is recommended that the expectant father use condoms better in marital life.

      The harm caused by the husband and wife’s sexual life during pregnancy.

      According to doctors, during pregnancy, due to the action of sex hormones, the pregnant woman’s male reproductive organ has richer blood colors, stronger blood vessels, and is more prone to injury and bleeding. The vagina becomes increasingly moist and more accessible, and the sexual organs and breasts become more sensitive. If pregnant women appreciate their bodies, they don’t need to worry about contraception, they may find that their sexual desire has improved after pregnancy. However, the following adverse effects may occur:

      First, if oppressed and exercised during sexual intercourse, it may be harmful to the baby.

      Second, the couple’s life may cause infection in the residual palace.

      Third, sexual pleasure may lead to premature or low-weight infants.

      The test tube embryo floats in the amniotic fluid of the pregnant woman. The pregnant woman’s amniotic fluid is a layer of liquid that envelops the test tube embryo, which can protect the test tube embryo from vibration and collision. The residual palace is completely closed by mucus, and sexual life is not easily able to cause residual palace infection.

      If you are pregnant and everything is normal, unless you have reached the delivery period, sexual pleasure is not easy to cause premature birth. But in the last month, it is necessary to prevent orgasm.

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