STDs are highly taboo diseases. Currently, treatment for STDs is relatively limited, and in daily life, it is important to understand how to avoid various modes of transmission and to prevent contracting them under uncertain circumstances. There are mainly five modes of transmission of STDs, which must be prioritized.

      Generally speaking, the modes of transmission of STDs include the following five pathways:

      1. Direct sexual contact infection.

      2. Indirect contact with pathogens (patient’s clothing, equipment, etc.).

      3. Placental and birth canal infection: Once pregnant women are infected with STDs, they can cause fetal infections through vertical transmission (mother-to-child transmission), which can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth or neonatal infections, seriously affecting fetal health.

      4. Iatrogenic transmission.

      5. Through non-sexual direct contact (lesions or secretions).

      The main factors that cause STDs are:

      1. Viruses such as genital warts, genital herpes, and AIDS.

      2. Chlamydia and other sexually transmitted lymphogranuloma venereum, non-gonococcal urethritis.

      3. Spirochetes, such as Treponema pallidum, which causes syphilis.

      4. Bacteria such as gonorrhea, chancroid.

      5. Fungi, such as Candida albicans.

      6. Parasites such as Trichomonas vaginalis, scabies, pubic lice, etc. These pathogens are widely present in nature and grow and reproduce at suitable temperatures.

      Generally speaking, the modes of transmission of STDs include direct sexual contact, indirect contact, placental and birth canal infection, iatrogenic transmission, and daily contact. The pathogens that cause sexually transmitted diseases often have obvious clinical symptoms, but some people have no symptoms at all. There are many different types of STDs, some of which are easy to treat, while others are more difficult to treat.

      To prevent sexually transmitted diseases, it is important to follow moral standards, stay away from sources of infection, avoid dirty sex and improper sexual relationships, improve cultural literacy, maintain cleanliness, prevent dirty sexual behaviors. When suspicious symptoms appear in the genitals, it is important to seek medical attention in a regular hospital as soon as possible, to detect and treat the disease early, and to seize the best treatment opportunity in order to recover and return to a normal life in the shortest possible time.

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